1943, I was four plus.Since that year I am witness to all the 'damalis'. Dumulie to slogans up to 1947 were Hari Singhuen buel khodaian goel tumisundh moul zini budlea zouel; Binamie amritsar ko toued dhoue. Dumulie to slogans of 1947 were hamla aver khubur dhaar hum kashmiri hain taiar, Sheri Kashmir ka kia irshad hindu muslim sikh itihad and dumulie to the final slogan was Azad Hinduzstan zinda badh; Dumulie to slogans from 1953 to 1975 were "rai shumari foruen kuravo, yeh muluk humara hai eis ka faisla hum kurainghay; 1975 dumulie was for the slogan alea kuringha vanguen kuraingha bub kurainga bub kuraingha; Dumulie on 8th September 1982 was to the slogan"Asie kusu travith babu......Soon the Dumule was for the slogan Sheikh subunie kubur kashirie neibuer Dumulie continued and January 1990 the dumulie was to the tune of the slogan "Asie guchie asuen pakistan batav buguer butnev saan; hum kiya chahtay azadi; azadi ka mutlab kiya la ilallh ilullah; pakistan zindabad.... Since the dumulie changes with the time without any consistency, nobody takes the Dumulie seriously. Those who were chased beyond Muzffarabad as hamla-aver were invited as guest actors in January 1990.
Friday, 31 March 2017

The scene therein was disgusting. Some flies were hovering over the basin full of raw samosas looking for an open space to land; some had already landed to camouflage the raw samosas in the basin. I thanked my friend Maha Ganesh for the morning stock of the halwai had already exhausted. I thanked the halwai for his friendly gesture and told him that I would come at 5 in the evening. The halwai felt relieved and expressed his gratitude for my consideration.
I recalled the scene when one evening in 1995 I along with my wife and daughter got a chance after a long wait to get a table at the overcrowded samosa shop at Purani Mandi, Jammu. My daughter reluctantly agreed to share the table when I assured her the standard hygienic system of the shop. As ordered the plates were served to each one of us. Soon I called the owner of the shop and asked him if I had to pay extra for the fried cockroach in the plate.
Finally I decided to go to some coaching centre to learn its Chemistry. After a long wait, I managed to engage a Demonstrator of repute from UP to teach me practically the preparation of samosa. Main ingredient cost me Rs.20. It included ‘medha’ flour 250 gm and ‘ajvendh’. Laboratory was put into operation and the Demonstrator practically completed the practical. Five samosas and 100gm mutter was prepared by the demonstrator and a little of raw material was put in the fridge for the next

Sunday, 19 March 2017
ABC-Preface written by Zia-Ul-Haq to the Book written by Brigadier Mulik
late Pt. Soom Nath Bali & the late Narayan joo Bali
used to love me as their younger brother. Both were encyclopedia in
themselves. The former could recite English version of Quran, the
holy book of Muslims verbatim. I once, somewhere at Janipora, Jammu referred to him the preface written by Zia ul Haq to a book written by Brigadier Malik of Pakistan to ascertain veracity of the preface. To my surprise, he recited orally the preface verbatim as a fact.
used to love me as their younger brother. Both were encyclopedia in
themselves. The former could recite English version of Quran, the
holy book of Muslims verbatim. I once, somewhere at Janipora, Jammu referred to him the preface written by Zia ul Haq to a book written by Brigadier Malik of Pakistan to ascertain veracity of the preface. To my surprise, he recited orally the preface verbatim as a fact.
of the preface and the preface is as
September 15, 1993 Chaaii Ji, the revered mother of Panna Lal Bahal,
my classmate, friend and one time colleague in AG’s (Accutandi) office
expired. Mourning at Bahal’s place turned out to be a get-together for
most of us. Most of the sympathizers were AG’s Accounts Officers and
my erstwhile colleagues. Autar Aima handed me the Photostat copy of
the preface written by Zia-ul-Haq to the Book written by Brigadier
Mulik of Pakistan.
The preface read:
“The only true religion is Islam. The Heaven is for Muslims only. The
easy road that leads to the Heaven is through Jihad. Jihad is to:
Convert all non believers to the fold of Islam. It can be achieved by;
A. Inducement or by conviction. Try your hard to achieve your end
through A, but if failed, resort to B
B. Attack when they are in sleep; burn and rob their property; rob
their children and women folk. Share the looted property including
children and women folk as Malie-Ganiem equally amongst you.
C. If they ask for truce, allow it. But they shall have not to
raise finger against any conversion. Besides, they shall have to pay
jazia (tax) for their protection.
These are the words of the holy Quran. Anybody trying to insert or
delete or alter even a comma or a minor letter is to be, as per
Shariat, stoned to death.
Make copies of the preface and distribute the same amongst non-Muslims.
While we were talking about the preface, Shah Sahib Accounts Officer,
a resident of Kupwara stepped into the room. Entry of Shah Sahib with
his rosy cheeks concealed under oiled and trimmed beard spread a
hush-hush whisper. All but me tried to change the topic. Soon I
shifted my seat next to Shah Sahib and sought his approval or
disapproval to the contents of the preface. Shah Sahib, a staunch
Muslim, as per his appearance preferred to be quiet. Disapproval of
the contents of the preface would tantamount to the negation of the
Holy Book and his fall into the category of infidels. In view of the
Shariat it invites death by stoning. I recalled the Kashmiri proverb
‘Chopai ghai baji korih hondh aankar’ (To be quiet should be taken as
the consent of an adult girl). To break the silence, I said: “Islam in
ourKashmir was different. Even today a
Kashmiri Hindu pregnant lady
sends niaz (offerings) to Dasgir Sahib’s Ziarat. Still no word from
Shah Sahib. I realized that Shah Sahib is one amongst the few who have
been influenced by Pak Islam and Zia’s Islam that preaches against
The preface caused curiosity to me. I preferred not to believe the
preface until I study the English version of the Book myself. I
consulted Soom Nath Bali, who was said to be an authority on the
scripture. I wanted to borrow the Book from him. To my surprise he
recited the English version of the extract from the Book, given in the
preface, verbatim.
A few days later, to satiate my curiosity, I asked one of my Muslim
students from Pampore to lend me the English version of the Holly
Book. He asked for the reason of my curiosity. I handed the preface to
him and told him that I wanted to verify the veracity of it myself. A
few days later, with his head down, he said: “The Book has come down
in instalments, and it is very much in the Book.
Be blessed along with all others around you with a virtuous, healthy
and prosperous life free from any vices.
Bríjû dàss chhú vanàn låsív tû båsív.
September 15, 1993 Chaaii Ji, the revered mother of Panna Lal Bahal,
my classmate, friend and one time colleague in AG’s (Accutandi) office
expired. Mourning at Bahal’s place turned out to be a get-together for
most of us. Most of the sympathizers were AG’s Accounts Officers and
my erstwhile colleagues. Autar Aima handed me the Photostat copy of
the preface written by Zia-ul-Haq to the Book written by Brigadier
Mulik of Pakistan.
The preface read:
“The only true religion is Islam. The Heaven is for Muslims only. The
easy road that leads to the Heaven is through Jihad. Jihad is to:
Convert all non believers to the fold of Islam. It can be achieved by;
A. Inducement or by conviction. Try your hard to achieve your end
through A, but if failed, resort to B
B. Attack when they are in sleep; burn and rob their property; rob
their children and women folk. Share the looted property including
children and women folk as Malie-Ganiem equally amongst you.
C. If they ask for truce, allow it. But they shall have not to
raise finger against any conversion. Besides, they shall have to pay
jazia (tax) for their protection.
These are the words of the holy Quran. Anybody trying to insert or
delete or alter even a comma or a minor letter is to be, as per
Shariat, stoned to death.
Make copies of the preface and distribute the same amongst non-Muslims.
While we were talking about the preface, Shah Sahib Accounts Officer,
a resident of Kupwara stepped into the room. Entry of Shah Sahib with
his rosy cheeks concealed under oiled and trimmed beard spread a
hush-hush whisper. All but me tried to change the topic. Soon I
shifted my seat next to Shah Sahib and sought his approval or
disapproval to the contents of the preface. Shah Sahib, a staunch
Muslim, as per his appearance preferred to be quiet. Disapproval of
the contents of the preface would tantamount to the negation of the
Holy Book and his fall into the category of infidels. In view of the
Shariat it invites death by stoning. I recalled the Kashmiri proverb
‘Chopai ghai baji korih hondh aankar’ (To be quiet should be taken as
the consent of an adult girl). To break the silence, I said: “Islam in
sends niaz (offerings) to Dasgir Sahib’s Ziarat. Still no word from
Shah Sahib. I realized that Shah Sahib is one amongst the few who have
been influenced by Pak Islam and Zia’s Islam that preaches against
The preface caused curiosity to me. I preferred not to believe the
preface until I study the English version of the Book myself. I
consulted Soom Nath Bali, who was said to be an authority on the
scripture. I wanted to borrow the Book from him. To my surprise he
recited the English version of the extract from the Book, given in the
preface, verbatim.
A few days later, to satiate my curiosity, I asked one of my Muslim
students from Pampore to lend me the English version of the Holly
Book. He asked for the reason of my curiosity. I handed the preface to
him and told him that I wanted to verify the veracity of it myself. A
few days later, with his head down, he said: “The Book has come down
in instalments, and it is very much in the Book.
Be blessed along with all others around you with a virtuous, healthy
and prosperous life free from any vices.
Bríjû dàss chhú vanàn låsív tû båsív.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Eis Par Bi Tu; Ues Par Bi Tu; Tu he tu; Tu he tu
Ilhaq bi tu; Tulaq bi tu,
Tu he tu; tu he tu
In response to my Note ‘Road-Rage’ on the facebook, my friend Miraj Siraj Sahib protested, as to why I am silent on the ‘genocide’ which I know little about. To the best of my knowledge many Muslims in the valley have been killed by Muslims that inflated the number of people in graves. My neighbour Nisar Ahmmad Shah in early thirties was taken on a bullock cart to nearby village Malluer and his veins were slit to kill him mercilessly. When the villagers resisted the killing, they were told not to mind as he was a Pundit. The killer was Pupea Bakshi son of Amin Bakshi resident of Shaltengh Crossing, the then area commander of the area. At present, it is said that Pupea Bakhshi is a permanent guest of Indian army camp at Baramulla.
My friends across the tunnel are silent about such killings. They paid extortionists in lacs among their own people and they never made mention of it lest they are tortured. Rehman Tromb while coming out of Masjid after offering nimaz was shot dead in second attempt at the same place where an attempt was made one month earlier. Rehman was cautioned by his friend Shafi Sodagar while breathing his last to the bullet from his own men.
Thus goes the kawali:
Ider bhi tue
Udhar bhi tue
Tue he tu
Tu he tu
Kuke Parey bhi tue
Hamla avar khabardar bhi tue
Alea bhi tue vangun bhi tue
Tue hi tue
Tue he Tue
Bhatav baghar bhi tue
Islamuk thekdar bhi tue
Panch hetheki (1965)mujahid khoten pansun kenan volea bhi tue
Setetajik(1947) hamlea awar numtus(1990) munz salea anun volea bhi tue
Tue hi tue
Tue he Tue
Kashrien peth zulum kerun volea bhi tue
Tihindi azadi hondh thekdar bhi tue
Tue hi tue
Tue he Tue
Yeti bhe chenie terif kerea titie chi kum
kuenki jidhuer dekhta hun udhaer hai
Tue hi tue
Tue he Tue
Ilhaq bi tu;
tulaq bi tu;
tu he tu; tu he tu;
Nationalie be tue;
Congrasie be tue;
BJP be tue;
tue he tue;
Rashid koblie be tue;
aeale be tue;
wanguen be tue;
Informer be tu;
Trainer be tu;
Par be tu;
Aar be tu;
Hendostanie be tu;
Pakistanie be tu;
Ilhaq be tu;
Talaq bi tu;
Sub kuech hai tu;
Raishumari be tu;
Raishumari dobus buruen vole be tu;
Gani lone maruen vole be tu;
Molvi Faroq sab maruen vole be tu;
Movlana masoodi maruen vole be tu;
Yousuf-shafisodagar, khaliq pachuen,mohd.yousuf, rehman tromb, qazi afzal, dr. guru ....vegaira vegaira maruen vole be tu;
genocidik nalea dienea vole be tue;
butea ne anzus; butea ne munzus; retunea butea venuen vole be tu;
tu he tu; tu he tu;
Ya bar khodaya fazal kuer, yehndis venenus thuvte kanh vetha;
Setha (enough) gav vanie tu he tu;
Mam (Faroq Abdullah) behith prangus te benthuer (Muzffar Shah) loguekh chrungus;
tu he tu tu he tu.
.Soz (Saif ul din soz) bi tu
Sazunder be tu;
tu he tu tu he tu; Ilhaq bi tu;
Tulaq bi tu; tu he tu tu he tu;
Allah hu Allah hu;
tu he tu tu he tu;
Setea tujiasmunz(in 1947) hamla awer venuen voel be tu numtus munz (in 1990) timai salea anuen voel be tu;
tu he tu tu he tu;
‘tu he tu; tu he tu;
Qatil bi tu; maqtuel bi tu;
tu he tu tu he tu;
Munsif bi tu; Mujrim bi tu
tu he tu tu he tu;
Mudhai bi tu; mudhalai bi tu;
tu he tu tu he tu
butea kudieth butea kudie jagmhnun vanuen vole bi tu;
tu he tu tu he tu; Allah hu; Allah hu;
tu he tu tu he tu;
rehum khodaia rehum;
apuz venun vole bi tu;
Barav dhine vole bi tu;
tu he tu tu he tu
Hendu-Muslim-Sikh nalea dhinea volel be tu
Batav baghuer batnev saan venuen vole be tu
Tu he tu
Tu he tu.
Azanuechi mike muquer kuruen voel be tu
Azan dhinea vole be tu
Tu he tu
Tu he tu
Rahum khodaia rahum kuer
Sorie zanaen voel hai Tue.
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