Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Sunday, 28 May 2017
“Fire Weapons at Us” Instead: Army Chief Dares Stone-pelters of Kashmir
In our school days there was a story on Gulzar, a pampered child. In his friend circle Gulzar was notorious for his mischievous character. His mischief always used to be an innovative one. He used to make fun of his teachers at school, his neighbours in his neighbourhood, strangers, relatives and others. He had crossed all limits of decency. His victims were scared of him. Everybody would try to maintain distance from him.
One day while offering
Nimaz, he mischievously fingered a stranger who was in the row ahead of him.
The stranger responded with a smile and rewarded him with a five rupee note.
Emboldened, the next day Gulzar deliberately took to the row behind the
stranger and repeated his mischief. The stranger paid him a 10 rupee note for
the act. After a few days, the stranger abstained and stealthily watched Gulzar
from distance. For Gulzar, it mattered little whether his victim was elder or
younger to him, whether known or unknown, familiar or stranger to him. He took
everybody for a ride. By now Gulzar had become a habitual offender and addicted
to mischief.
No sooner did Gulzar
finger the one in front of him, the victim to his bad luck, a Pathan took out
his sword and beheaded Gulzar. All human right activists raised hue and cry.
Electronic and Print Media made headline of the episode. FIR was lodged against
the Pathan. The Pathan was taken to the police custody. The Pathan pleaded, but
nobody believed his story. The Stranger finally came to the rescue of the Pathan.
He revealed the mischievous behavior of Gulzar. Soon all the victims of Gulzar seconded
the stranger.
The judge acquitted
the Pathan with strictures against the stranger, who with his innovative method
indirectly punished Gulzar. The Title of the case file is ‘Pathanea sunz
I believe instead of blaming
the stone-pelters in the valley, we must blame the Unified Command Chaired by the Chief Minister of the State for
emboldening the stone-pelters. Unfortunately Sabzar like Gulzar took his
opponent for a ride and paid the price for it. Peace be to the soul of both
Gulzar and Subzar.
Friday, 26 May 2017
He was our neighbour at Zaindar Mohalla Srinagar for ages. Our
houses in mud –mortar were separated by hardly a twenty feet wide general road.
He was son of the third brother in a hierarchy of five. All the five brothers
with separate kitchens lived peacefully in that house. Ganea Subh was the
eldest and he was followed by Bodh Sabh, Lassea Sabh, Mogluea Shah and Noor Din. They all were engaged in Government
Silk Factory Rambagh. Despite modest plenty they all gave relatively quality
education to their children.
Lassea Sabh’s wife expired in early years of her marriage and
she was survived besides her husband by one infant son and one daughter, named
Badshah. I am told that the wife of my eldest cousin Gopi Nath Dhar gave the
infant her breast feeding. This infant later on was known as Pirzada Ali Shah
and we the youngsters used to call him as Shah Sabh.
Shah Sabh was elder to my eldest brother Trilok Dass, whom we
used to call Papa. Strangely, little knowing the connotation of the words, we
used to call our father Pundit Madho Dass as Baisabh and brother as Papa. All in
the mohalla adopted the same connotation. Those were the days when new Hindi and
English names for different relations , like Babi, Bahu ji, aunty, Mummy without
appropriate usage entered into our households. Names like Beniteath,Benijiger,
Kakenijiger, Dedh, Kakenie died unceremoniously. Even mother in some families
is now called Babi and great grand
mother-in-law as Bahu ji by her children, grandchildren and even by her
Shah Sabh never expressed but he loved Papa like his younger brother.
Until 1947, Shah Sahib was away in areas that later on became Pakistan territories.
All his correspondence with his father routed through Baisabh.
1947, on his return he married a beautiful damsel of teens, we later
on called Ammi ji. She was from Ustad
Mohalla Jammu whose parents had escaped to Pakistan.
Early fifties, Shah Sahib rose to a very good position as Liaison
Officer at Gulmarg. He was simultaneously holding the job of a Labour Officer.
Mid fifties he left his job and joined Political Conference, headed
by Mohi-ul-din Qarra.
He suffered imprisonment intermittently that shattered his house
in making. His wife gave him moral support. She looked after her siblings,
their education and to their day to day needs.
27th May 1964 at mid
day with a gloomy face, he through his window called “ Baisabh, Baisabh”.
Strangely my father while playing chess was deaf to the outer
world, but that time my father responded to his call “Everything all right.”
“Depan mahra Nehru ji guzreaev (It is said that Pundit Nehru passed
Mid seventies, Sheikh Abdullah came closer to him. He visited
his place a number of times. His closeness to Sheikh Abdullah was torpedoed by
Kh. Ghulam Mohammad Shah. Medical seat assured for his meritorious son was sold
at a price. In the meantime he had seen the real face of politics in Kashmir.
He unsuccessfully contested Assembly elections on Janta Party nomination.
2011, his elder son Muzaffar Jan arrived from America for his chemotherapy.
During a recess of fifteen days in his therapy he deputed him to Jammu to
enquire about our welfare. Until 1 in the night he visited all his neighbours
scattered in Jammu city. Already booked he stayed for the night at his friend
Sushil Raina’s place at Subash Nagar and returned back to the valley next
morning to report to his ailing father who was eagerly waiting for the welfare
message of his neighbours in exile.
March, 2012 I got a mail from his younger son Babu settled in Karachi.
He wrote: “For complete one month prior to his demise he remembered all the
members of M Dass Family and expressed concern for them”.
I remember how he used to tie the other end of the rope to his
window sill to make an arch to welcome Dushera and Janam Ashtami processions.
He was the person who phoned Dr.Roop Kaw at America and pathetically
and helplessly told him that his home was plundered and vandalized.
Peace be to the
departed soul.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
‘Travelogue’-Trip to Bhaderwah
Trip to Bhaderwah was
programmed by Romesh Dass Raina-Rinku, my daughter three months in advance. I
postponed my personal routine summer trip to the valley and prioritized the
Bhaderwah trip. TIME as rightly noticed flies faster than the fastest. It was
to refresh my fifty year old memories about Bhaderwah when I participated in
the marriage function of the younger brother of my friend D V Gupta in 1967.
Finally the long awaited
date the 6th May 2017 arrived and Romesh joined me. 7th
May at 11:21 we gave a start to our journey. Karmanya and Navia my grand
children joined us. Romesh and I exchanged the driver seat intermittently. A
few kilometers ahead at Karan Nagar petrol pump, I noticed fault with the
cooling system of the 99 model. Somehow, the problem was rectified at the first
available Maruti workshop at Udhampur. Two hour journey from Jammu to Udhampur
was covered in six hours. The rough and dusty road ahead of Batote was an
additional eyesore. Google information
of four-hour journey from Jammu to Bhaderwah proved to be misleading. Abnormal
delay panicked Bal Krishen CEO Tourist Corporation Bhaderwah. He kept us
prompting until we reached Tilli Garh Tourist Complex at 11:30 in the night.
Next morning on 8th
May, we visited the local tourist resort Nalthi, half an hour drive from the Tourist
resort Tilli Garh. Connectivity by rough and dusty roads is time and energy
consuming. Nalthi is developed to its
capacity, but the follow up care for want of watch and ward to maintain the place is tantamount to ‘anie sunz kolie
khodaius hawalae’ (Blind man’s spouse is left at the mercy of god).

Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Monday, 22 May 2017
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
Corruption in the teaching profession
Mid eighties at Sadiq Nagar, Delhi, one student of sixth class boasted his trickery for copying essay on the cow in his examination. He had concealed the smuggled paper in his geometry box. He had already paid the invigilator to let him copy. I noticed many mistakes in the text and told him that besides many mistakes he had written wrongly that the cow has two years instead of two ears. The boy said that he already scored hundred percent marks in the paper. We in the valley had 'A' class education that sustained us in exile. The Cow culture has taken over Kashmir to make it at par with Sadiq Nagar Delhi and integral part of India. 'Kacher Gav' (Brown Cow' was issued admission card and roll number slip for taking entrance test for technical education. Pir Sahab, the erstwhile chairman for technical education was jailed in the recent past for selling question papers on wholesale to retailers. 'Halat tushvish nak hain ta hum under control hain-Baki sub theek hai' Allah CM sahab ko rakhu bunavay'
Saturday, 6 May 2017
“Musalman by name” says Kashmir Diaspora
The basic fault lies elsewhere. Indian security forces were taken unaware in 1990 when militancy crept up all of a sudden. They lack training in mob controlling that was one of the lectures at NCC level. 1990, it is said that they thought that they were taken on election duty. In response to mammoth rally on way to Chrar, they said "Akbar zaroor jitay gha (Akbar will definitely win the election). They took the slogan 'Allah o Akbar' for Akbar to be a contestant candidate.
1990, P C Dogra, the retired DG BSF was IGP BSF Jammu. His daughter used to come to my friend for coaching in Mathematics. My peon Ram Lal who too migrated requested me for managing recruitment of his younger brother in BSF. As directed by P C Dogra, the requisite documents like school leaving certificate and other relevant documents were to be submitted in his office.
One day to my surprise, the boy in full uniform with CRPF badge came and saluted me. I said how was it? He said that he paid Rs.18000 and got recruited in the CRPF without any hassle. Without any prerequisite training he had already served duty at Zainakadal and other four places.
Kashmir provided field for practical training in guerrilla warfare to the security forces and for militants it proved a joint exercise. Initially they would open fire even on a bus for the burst of one of its tyres.
1974, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was still out of power, when some rival of Mir Qasim the then CM phoned Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah regarding desecration of the holy book. It was alleged that some of the pages of the holy book were torn and found in the toilet of the Women College Srinagar. Sheikh Sahib smelt the conspiracy. He asked the informer as to why he phoned him and not the concerned Police station or the Government in power. He retorted at him that the holy book is not to instigate violence for political reasons.
Unfortunately, innocent people become fodder to the conspiracy hatched at high places.
Security forces must know that each killing goes as help to the political adversaries. They are required to be given rigorous training in mob controlling with little loss of life.
Kashmir Diaspora Quotes: “Shame on those people who still support NC, PDP, Congress etc. They are fully responsible in the discretion of the holy Quran; what if their names are Ghulam Mohammad, Ali Mohammad…..they are the namesake Muslims”
Unquote: I have mentioned in many of my write-ups that I am not victim of Muslims, though hounded out and looted by my next door neighbour Ghulam Mohammad , Ali Mohammad contrary to Hadith Sharief the sayings of Prophet Mohammad.
Kashmiri Pundits usually believe a Kashmiri Muslim when he swears by ‘Khudayas Rasulus paeth’, or by ‘Quranus peath’ ‘Nabi taj darus peath’…..In their association I too had adopted to swear by holy Quran.
1965 during Indo Pak war students and teachers in the J&K University Srinagar got vertically divided. My classmate and roommate Ghulam Mohammad Bhat from Barmulla, retired Joint Director Planning objected to my swearing by Quran.
He said: “Brijdassa chai chukh butea chea kiyazi havan Quranus peath (You are a Kashmiri Pundit. Why do you swear by Quran?”
Quran came to my rescue with a ready wit.
I said: “Gulea Butta, Quran kati ave te kumie suez (Where from did Quran come and who sent It?”
He said: “Quran has been sent by Allah.”
I said: “Is your Allah different than my creator?”
He said: “No Allah is one”.
I said: “Then who has given you rights to swear by Quran and denied the same rights to me.”
I am witness to many occasions when Muslims (by name) swore falsely by the holy Book and Khuda Rasul for their material gains.
May Allah forgive them for they don’t know that they will lose access and entry into ‘Janat’ as it is only open to a true Musalman
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Elections! 1977?
me to add a little to what I claim few are abreast with.
M Shah, son-in-law and cabinet colleague of Sheikh Sahib was in charge of a big
Brigade of ‘seirie valie’ from Pather Masjid the Head Quarter of National
Conference since thirties. One of the Brigadiers of the Brigade was Gulea Hoer,
a condemned criminal but a perfect human being to the best of my knowledge.
along with my eldest brother the late Trilok Dass had the privilege of knowing
Gulea Hoer closely while being one of
the inmates of Barrack No:9 adjacent to his Barrack No:10 in the Central Jail
in 1967.
his arrival, Trilok Dass started cultural activity to give colour to the dull
life in the gloomy environment away from one’s kith and kin. He changed it into
a colourful environment. Gul Hoer was discovered a good singer. While singing
emotional songs, his eyes used to turn into a fountain and tears would stream
down, Balak Ram Sharma (Dismissed Teshsildar from Punjab) , one of the inmates, with white trimmed
beard, to give him a saintly look, besides, to be incognito when clean shaved
outside the jail played tabla on a plate.
our release, Gulea Hoer turned emotional, hugged Papa tight and expressed his
remorse for our release and full stop to the changed environment.
years later, December 1977 an unknown to him said:” Papa namaskar.” Papa was
managing Bookshop of M Dass after his office hours. Papa took him for some parent to purchase
books. He casually responded:”Adab.”
man in a leader’s clothing-nimazi cap, kurta-pajama and waistcoat rightly
guessed that Papa did not recognize him and said:”Papea bea mahra chues Gulea
Hoer (Papa I am Gulea Hoer)”
stood up to hug him and said:”Chea kerue trovhokh (When have you been
mahra treviekh Sheikh Sab zenea navnea khetrea. Yuem searee Minister mahra chi
cheani noker. Kenh keam agher yemuen nish chea te vean mahra vunie
kernavekh (We have been released to
ensure Sheikh Sahib’s success. All these Ministers are at your service. I
assure you help from any of these Ministers. Tell me if you need any.)”
thanked him and offered a cup of tea at Kumar Sweets a teashop across the road.
Gulea Hoer declined the offer and said: “Yem mahra tohie (you) vuchn(see) mai
setie(with me) chaie chevan(taking tea)
tim mahra depuen Dass sub chue zehira chorea mal kenan (Those who will
see you sharing a table with me will think that Dass Sahib is probably selling
stolen goods.)
of Setarwala an observer from Delhi to ensure fair election caused a furore in
the concerned political wing of the National Conference. One of them cooled
down others when he claimed: “We are atharawala and we know how to make him
his arrival, he was provided with the services of the brother of National
Conference candidate from Kargil as his personal Private Secretary. He used to
bell the cat before he would visit the rats.
of the observers a Kashmiri settled outside was heavily drunk at Broadway Hotel
while the polling was on. He failed to recognize his classmate, the late
Triloki Nath Dhar, SE Doordarshan who had gone to tell him that he was not let
cast his vote by the goons who claimed that his vote was already cast in favour
of a ‘right ‘candidate.
the meantime ‘Sona chea kuer penenie kuem’ Sona did his job.
Positive Checks
1960, Prof. Ghulam Mohammad Bhat professor of Economics at S P College Srinagar, while delivering lecture on Malthusian theory on Population said that Population is controlled either by preventive checks or by positive checks. Preventive check is by use of condom, vasectomy and other methods. Positive Check is that Nature balances the population in absence of preventive checks. The few methods of positive checks are: Epidemic, Flood, Fire, War etc. When he said: "Sumjay". I broke silence and in response said: "Na sumjay woh anadee hai.". Prof. Bhat Sahab was for the first time seen giving a hearty laughter in response.
Early eighties,in response to a solitary natural death one Kindergarten student said: "Malquli mouth ha chu bavrea gomuet" (The Death angel seems to have gone amuck..
Today when in the valley the death rate is on steep rise, I remember Prof. G M Bhat for his lecture on Positive Checks.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
What a pleasant Meeting!
The 20th April,
2017 the debate on all the TV channels was nothing but utter gimmick and fish
market semblance. Acting and pitch of the anchor on ‘Aar Par’ debate was
repugnant. The only issues to be discussed were Ram Mandir and Seh-tallaq.
Strangely scared of the media, the environmentalists suffer with noise
pollution quietly like others. I had no alternative but to switch off my TV and
go to bed. Soon I was on the edge of sleep or so to say at the threshold of sleep.
Knock at an odd hour when
rest of the world was in sleep surprised and alarmed me. Quietness all around,
knock at the Iron Gate got amplified. I rushed to the gate, opened it and
simultaneously said who is it?
Response: “I am Benevolent,
I am omnipresent, I am omnipotent….I am many more tent all in one”.
The stranger was
invisible, but the voice was audible. I recalled Dr. Griffin a fictional character,
also known as The Invisible Man, who appears as the
titular protagonist in H.G. Wells' 1897 science fiction novella The Invisible Man. In the original novel,
Griffin is a scientist whose research in optics and
experiments into changing the human body's refractive index to that
of air results in his becoming invisible. The character has become iconic, particularly in horror fiction, and versions and variations have appeared throughout
various media. It was one of the lessons in tenth class English text. Being
aware of the fiction, the scene did not deter me.
I said: “I am weak in phraseology. Long back
when in tenth class I had learned by
heart almost 800 one word substitution like benevolent, omnipresent etc. Give
your introduction and purpose of your visit at this odd hour.
The stranger said: “I am Allah the Great, your
I said: “Don’t fool me. My creator is Bagwan.”
The invisible stranger said: “For some I am
Allah, for some I am Bagwan and for some I am God. Believe me I am creator of
the Universe and all the inmates of this universe including the plant kingdom”.
I said: “I warn you don’t try to be overactive.
Those who announce five times a day “Allah O Akbar” meaning Allah is great
believe that Allah helplessly seeks their help for converting non Muslims to their faith. Even the late President of Pakistan Zia-Ul-Haq
in his preface to the Book written by Brigadier aqHHHHHHH|HHH Mulik said so. Besides, I don’t believe all
that they attribute to You. For that reason they name me as non believer. If
great as they say, You ought to create only Muslims and not to bank upon Your
followers to convert Your creation to please You. Besides, as I understand, You
are benevolent only for Muslim males.
The invisible stranger said: “No, I am not
selective. I am equally benevolent for both men and women among Muslims.
I said: “Had it been so, you would have not
sent women with half brain.”
The invisible stranger said: “What do you say?
It is a false allegation against me”
I said: “It is said that You know everything
and still You are ignorant about the affidavit submitted by the Muslim
Personnel Board at the Supreme Court of India. Therein they mentioned that
women are provided with half brain. Should I believe that there is no quality
control at Your manufacturing unit, unfortunate indeed. You claim that You are
equally benevolent for both men and women among Muslims, then why only men have
right to pronounce talaq and women are denied the same. You say that You are
omnipresent, then why should one have to ascent the highest mountain to talk to
You. On the contrary I talk to Bagwan anytime and anywhere I like. This makes
their creator and my creator different and that is the bone of contention. I
pray You to be what You claim to and put an end to conflict on the basis of
religion. See how comfortable are animals other than human beings and how the
plant kingdom grows harmoniously. Soon the mobile phone buzzed and the
invisible stranger disappeared.
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