Thursday, 25 December 2014
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Too small a price for a nap and negligence
I am pained to say that it is too small a price for a nap and
negligence. Pakistan learned
a lesson from the defeat of the last four wars that she waged against India . We
proved stronger because of our higher numerical. 1962 India was caught napping as mocked
by Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan the then President of India. China proved a winner in 1962 because of her preparedness,
vigilance besides, higher numerical than India . Strategy plays its role in
the present scenario. India
must not expect anything better from Pakistan . Pakistan takes
advantage from our poor vigilance and poor intelligence input.
Heavy recurring unaccounted for budget under the head Security Related Expenses (SRE) is
spent lavishly on issues that are in no way connected with security. An enthusiast,
a KPS officer at Jammu
raised objection for expenditures that
were debited to the head SRE when the same were not even remotely related to
security. The other day he was shifted to some other section. ‘Sadhbawna’ ‘proved utter failure, but
still it continues unbridled and unchecked.
As usual experts from Home Ministry Delhi will arrive for two days
excursion to Pahalgam on Government exchequer.
In routine the Prime Minister, the Home Minister, the Chief Minister of J&K State , the Defence Minister of India
press the coded button.
The Prime Minister Narender Modi pressed the coded button that said:
“Attacks in J&K are condemnable. They are desperate attempts to derail the
atmosphere of hope and goodwill as seen by the increased voter turnout.
The Defence Minister pressed the coded button that said: “It is possible
that this has happened because of elections……Last few days the army has been
intercepting terrorists and eliminating them. So, I think, it is a sign of
increased interception by the army.”
Omar Abdullah, the Chief Minister pressed the coded button that termed
the attack as a desperate attempt by militants to disrupt peace in the state.
Once again shows the desperate levels militants will go to disrupt peace and
“Officers at the Army Headquarter in Delhi pressed the coded button that said:
“The foreign militants were “Well trained” and sent from across the border to
target Army Installations to “make a statement” amidst high voter turnout in
the Assembly elections.
Mid nineties I went to Army
residential quarters at Smailpur Jammu to meet Major Bhat (Name changed).
Knowing well the location, I deliberately knocked at different doors to enquire
about the location. Surprisingly, no body checked me and asked me for wandering
about in the area aimlessly and waywardly. After making assessment of the
security majors in the most secured and sensitive area, I said to Major Bhat:
“Your safety and security is ‘Ram
burosay’. Major Bhat remained quiet when I narrated to him about my recce
of the area. Mrs. Bhat said:” You are right. In the recent past one militant
misfired on a Major. He was apprehended. He begged that either he be shot dead
or retained with some employment. The authorities appointed the militant as a
1994, my landlord T N Kachroo at Rehari, Jammu received a typed letter signed by Yasin
Malik (Whether fake or genuine I don’t know) wherein he was threatened with a
bomb blast for providing rental accommodation to me. I went to Ashok Suri IPS,
the then DIG Police Jammu, retired DGP with the letter for his advice. He
raised his hands and said:” I receive tens of such letters daily. We have to
live with it.” I said: “I agree with you. Your survival is only ‘Ram burosay’
and you are at a greater risk. May God save you. I entered into your room
without any check. From the main gate to the door of your room seven feet tall
constables on your guard saluted me instead of frisking me.” They took me for a
Police officer.
My friend a senior police officer would often during night patrolling
stealthily pickup the rifle of the
snoring constable on his guard and return the same to him the next morning
along with a little of reprimand.
Let us ensure that henceforth we are not caught napping and there be no
further use of the coded buttons.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Kala Dhan-Black Money
1965, GM Sadiq was the Chief Minister of J&K State and Pundit J N Zutshi was the Senior Superintendent of Police Udhampur. Udhampur was stronghold of Jan Sangh. Rampant burglaries at Udhampur caused furor for the police and the Government.Jan Sangh MLA Shiv Charan Gupta, organized regular demonstrations in the town and raised slogan “Ya chor ko pakdo-vernae gadhi chod dho” (Either catch hold of the burglar or leave the chair).
The police rounded
up all history-sheeters for interrogation but to no clue. History-sheeters
identify the burglar from the circumstantial evidence, but in the current
situation they too raised their hands.
One day one of the
history-sheeters of Udhampur identified the sloganeer in the crowd protesting
against burglary. The sloganeer was his barrack mate in Srinagar Jail. He
called him by his name, Hamid. He went to Hamid and in his language
pinched his hand to convey him that he detected the burglar. The burglar in one
jerk ran through Army area. People chased him. A little ahead he was caught by
some army men. He pleaded that he was a deserter and the police is after
him. They pitied him and let him go. A little ahead, he was again caught by
some other army men. He again used the same dialogue. This time the army men
were from Military Police. They caught hold of him and handed him over to the
police. The Police heaved a sigh of relief. All the burglaries were solved and
the stolen property was restored to the claimants. Processions came to an
abrupt end. SSP Zutshi earned appreciation of his friend, the then Chief
Minister G M Sadiq.
Hamid was a
history-sheeter from Srinagar .
He was a man of taste. He used to shift his area of operation along with the
Darbar Move to winter capital Jammu
in November to escape chill cold of the valley. The Secretariat and other
offices move under the orders of the General Department; High Court moves under
the orders of the Chief Justice of the High Court. Hamid has all powers
vested in him and moves as per his own convenience.
During my school
days, students used to steal one another’s books. They used to sell them at
half price to Kapoor Brothers and go for movies. One day one of my classmates
lost complete satchel containing all his books and notebooks. Search and
interrogation by Master Dwarika Nath Koul proved a futile exercise. Finally
Master Koul announced that he would get roasted ‘kare’ (dry peas) the next day
and give it to each student to eat. The one who stole the satchel would vomit
blood. The whole class became restive lest even an innocent vomited blood.
C Lal S
(Abbreviated name) one of the classmates became proactive. He appreciated the
device and persuaded the teacher for early implementation of the device. While
all were apprehensive, C Lal S pretended to be excited.
Two days later one
student from the neighbouring school asked my elder brother whether any of his
classmates had lost his satchel. He said in the affirmative and asked him how
he knew it. The student from the neighbouring school told him that he saw C Lal
S throwing and hiding a satchel in the ‘soie zand’ (nettle bush-the weed that
causes blisters).
Protest organized
at Jantar Mantar on 1st December, 2014 for Black Money by the Congress party
headed by Rahul Gandhi and his cohorts reminded me of the characters like Hamid
and C Lal S. Kickbacks of Bofer Gun investigator on way to Switzerland was given a secret
letter addressed to authorities by Narsima Rao Government to go slow. Some of
the missing Coal-gate files were discovered somewhere from the garbage dump.
Ministers of the UPA- 2 involved with 2G scam are in jail. Kalmadi the Common
Wealth Games is in jail. Robert Wadara’s scam for them is too small to be of
any consequence.
launch te tim khevan nutchie nutchi’ It is the eunuchs who would feel ashamed
but they enjoy livelihood while dancing.
Bríjû dàss te
Girdass chhú vanàn låsív tû basiv.
wanderer in exile at 75
Deprived of his
Cremation Ground
by the Farooq
Abdullah Government with acquiescence by the Rajiv Government at the Centre.
“Mezareabal tanie
chi hazar tufaan
Vujarea gachi
gachi kabaer ti ravem”(Dolwal)
From Mumbai
contact No: Landline 022-25552055; Mobile No:09869923093;
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Mohammad Khalil Dy.
Superintendent of Police, Anti Corruption on his return from official Haj
pilgrimage was called in by his superior SSP Hamid Khan to narrate the event to
him. Khalil Sahib said: “Sir one of the pillars there at the mosque is under
Astonished Khan said
“Sir, Prophet Mohammad is
said to have rested and relaxed against the neighbouring pillar. And the pillar
under protest protests for such a discrimination.” said Khalil Sahib.
Soon Khan Sahib called in
Jawahir Lal Pundita retired DIG, the then Dy. SP to listen to the event.
To mock at Khalil Sahib, Khan
Sahib said: “It must have created a law and order problem.”
Recently while recasting the
previous events, DIG Pundita(Retired) acclaimed the genius in Khalil Sahib as a
perfect Police Officer. I reminded him of ‘the pillar episode’ and asked him if
genius, why did he make fool of himself with such a statement.
Pundita said: “It is FAITH.”
I remained silent. I have
faith in Maha Ganesh and carry three Maha Ganeshs in my pocket and claim: “Maha
Ganesh is in my pocket.”
2004, I wept and sobbed in
front of the Rock depicting my Ganesh at Hari Parbat Srinagar. It is my faith
that within a week’s time my job held up for four years got solved.
While concentrating on each
point of the Rock, I see image of Maha Ganesh.
To be a vegetarian or non
vegetarian has nothing to do with sanctity of the temple. It is the
individual’s mindset.
Once at Tulmul in late
fifties, , Amar Nath Munshi’s( Fire Brigade officer) ‘doonga’ in the night got a little shake due to somebody’s push.
Alarm was raised and a villager in a fishing boat was apprehended as a thief.
In the morning, the held up villager (Ghar jewaiee) confessed his crime and
lead the police to a site across the nalah to show them the place where he said
had buried the booty. He named all the male members of his in-laws as his
associates in the crime. Pundit Amar Nath repeatedly said to the police that
nothing was missing in his doonga and no theft had taken place.
I asked one of the villagers
in the crowd as to what could be the reason of innocent people getting
humiliated and beaten.
He said: “His in-laws are
respectable people and are never expected to commit any crime. We the villagers
of Tulmula will never go for fishing in the nalah around the Tulmul Nagh. It is
our faith in Tulmul. He being an outsider with little faith in our conviction
must have clandestinely tried fishing during the night. Mata has caught him and
that is why his other innocent people are suffering for no crime.”
Ramzan Badyari, the Doon ga walla used
to tell us to inform him for trip to Tulmul one week earlier, so that the
family remained vegetarian for the week and would wash clothes and mop the
doonga to make both worthy for Tulmul.
Had eating mutton been sin,
nature would have not created carnivores. It is one’s mind set. Whatever
justification, to a lay man like me it is one’s mindset. Sin or no sin is a
relative term. Beef eater Muslims do not die due to eating of beef and pork
eater Hindus do not die due to pork. Bahta is allowed both jethka and halal
with little restrictions on a few occasions. Mindset and faith discipline the
life of a human being. Had lagan and nikah not been there then all would be
Friday, 28 November 2014
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Home Ministry ki kehani CID officer ki zabani
Venue: Wanebal old Airport road, Budgam, Kashmir
Characters: CID Officer Manzoor Ahmmad and B K Dass
Surprised to see the name plate at the main entrance of the
house that read “ Manzoor Ahmmad, J&K Police”
I said: ”Manzoor Sahab, how dare you to disclose your
identity especially when the Militant Area Commander of this area is Manzoor
Medicate, your name sake and militancy is at its peak. Besides, J&K Police
too is at its hit list?”
Manzoor said: “I live here in this house along with my
family with the permission of the Area Commander Manzoor Medicate. I went to
him and told him that I serve in J&K Police Department. I have constructed
a house at Waneabal and would like to live in that house along with my family.
The Area Commander Manzoor Medicate asked me my name and place of posting. I
told him my name and told him that I was posted at Interrogation Centre Hari
Niwas on Gupkar Road ,
Srinagar . The Area Commander
closed his eyes for a little while and told me that I could live along with my
family in the house with the name plate.”
I said: “Then how can you deal with the militants to combat
The CID Officer Manzoor said: “On whose backing and support,
you expect J&K Police to take on the militants. Retired DIG the late Mirza Hamid
Iqbal IPS went into low profile to save his life after he was scolded by the CM
Farooq Abdullah for reporting on the preparedness of militants and their
arsenal enough to last for ten years. To combat terrorism, all concerned have faith in the rudderless Central
Government. They little know that the Central team that comes after every major
episode to inspect the situation on spot and draw their independent conclusion
come only to enjoy drinks at the tourist resort Pahalgam. They are supposed to counter
check the observation of the State Government. The moment they land at the
airport and board the red beacon fitted ambassador car, they express their
desire for visit to Pahalgam. The department already knows their weakness.
Crate of English whisky is put in the dickey of the car and they are seen off
for sightseeing. The State police, which is to be countered, entertain them
with heavy wazwan, drinks sight-seeing for the limited two days at their
disposal. Then the State police on their behalf prepares the report and hand
them the file containing the report along with a shawl and some other gifts for
the Babi Ji and ask them ," Saheb
theek hai" to the response," haan
thek hai". The report is generally handed while the team is boarding
the plane back to Delhi .
Militancy is
the hen that lays golden eggs. The Police officers enjoy SRE (Security related
expenses) in crores, which they have not to account for. Why should the police
axe their own legs by putting end to militancy? Government employees are provided
with free accommodation in hotels. Whether occupied or not, the hotel is paid
Rs.9000/room. Officials in the General Department in collaboration with the
hotel owners make the best of the worst. Air crash of the retired Police
Officer Surrinder Nath when Governor Himachal Pradesh made a rain of currency
notes in bundles. When he joined his services in the state, his coat had repair
work at its elbows and collar. He had one attaché with him. When he returned
after superannuation, he was followed with a convoy carrying his household
Dy. Registrar
Supreme Court of India
camped at the extreme end nearer to Pahagam in the south-east of the valley to
investigate relief to earthquake sufferers of
2005 at the other end closer to LOC in the north-west of the valley.
“Khudavanda tairay sadha lo bundhay kenhan jaiany
Yehan dhervaishi be aiaree hai ki Sultanee be aiaree
Friday, 21 November 2014
Supreme is the Supreme; Director CBI Ranjit Sin-ha is not an exception.
5th October, 2014, we stealthily looked at each
other in the dinning hall at Holiday Home State Guest House, Udaipur . 6th also passed like
that. Neither of us took initiative for self introduction. 7th I
could not resist and wished him Jai Ram Ji ki for mutual introduction.
“I am B K Dass from Srinagar ,
Kashmir . I am a teacher by profession” said I.
He said: “I am Rajesh (Name changed) Sharma, Dy. Registrar
Supreme Court of India.”
Soon we entered into a gossip.
He said: “I have been to Kashmir
and stayed at Mattan for six months.
“Surprised! How is it? There is no sub court of the Supreme
Court of India at Mattan” said I.
The Judge said: “I was there to conduct an enquiry in the
relief distribution to the earthquake sufferers that shook Muzaffarabad and its
adjoining areas”.
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Map of J&K State not to scale shows Mattan-Pahalgam is to the south-east of Srinagar and Muzaffarabad is to the far end of north-west of Srinagar |
I said: “The earthquake occurred on 8th Oct.2005
and caused damage and causalities over an area of 30,000 sq. km in the NWFP of
Pakistan and parts of Pakistan
occupied Kashmir . The major cities and towns
affected were Muzaffarabad, Bagh and Rawlakot in Kashmir and Balakot,
Shinkiari, Batagram, Mansehra Abbotabad, Murree and Islamabad
in Pakistan
with 80,000 causalities, 200,000 injured and more than four million homeless.(Google
information) It does not fall within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of
The judge said: “I was there to conduct enquiry into the
distribution of relief to earthquake sufferers on this side of the LOC.”
“Agreed, but its effect on this side of the LOC was insignificant
and not that alarming, besides,
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Mattan-Pahalgam is to the south-east of Srinagar and Muzaffarabad is to the far end of north-west of Srinagar |
Muzaffarabad and the LOC the affected areas are to the
north-west of Srinagar and the site of your camp
was to the south-east of Srinagar .
Both are poles apart. All who come from Delhi
to probe prefer to be nearer to Pahalgam rather than at the site of occurrence.
It is nothing short of enjoying holidays on public exchequer” said I.
The judge gave a smile and next day we did not have common dining
hall and dining time.
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Bashir from Pringal was allotted a prefabricated hut though he |
Bashir is from Pringal.
Pringal and Buniyar are on either bank of the River Jehlum at a distance of
about 15 km from Uri. I was on picnic to Pringal on 9th August,
2014. Bashir offered me rent free accommodation if I liked to stay for sometime
there. He said that they reluctantly accepted under pressure prefabricated hut
as the earthquake had not caused any damage to their area.
Sin-ha indicates many sins. Like Subhana the Worst was for
the best tailor, Sin-ha is for the scapegoat or the pigeon parrot.
Brijdass chu venan lasiv te basiv
To be concluded. Next you will read to HOME MINISTRY KI KEHANI CID OFFICER KI
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The Child of the Day
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Cyclist Naviya Raina with perfect Road sense. |
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Cyclist Naviya Raina with perfect Road sense. |
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Model Naviya Raina |
The child of the day is ahead of his/her age. There are many
reasons for it. One of the reasons, I believe, is the fewer get better
attention. Other reasons are that they are offspring of educated parents. They are
well versed with the electronic gadgets. Children’s channel like Pogo, Hungama,
Discovery Kids and Cartoon Network are easily accessible to them. They are
capable of copying cartoons from ‘ from the Net and master in
drawing pictures. They understand and discuss the characters with their age
group. Their observation and perception are sharp. None of them has a flowing
nose. They are not used to ‘mul khoer colour garments. They are always neat and
clean and care for clean habits.
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Jansi ki Rani on 14th Nov.2014 |
Navia-Kishmish my granddaughter from my younger daughter is
one of the children of the Day. She is 31st August 2010born.
Last week while driving, I was discussing some issue with
her mother. She intervened: “Aray gadi chalatay suduk per dhian rekho; batain
muet kero.” (While driving concentrate your attention on the road)
Today while on wheel as per my diehard habit I was in gossip
with my daughter. I missed the cut for U-turn and realized my mistake a few
meters ahead of the cut. I remembered the caution of Kishmish only after
spilling the milk.
Last fortnight at 11:30 PM, Kishmish told her 7+ brother
Karmanya: “I will go to the TV room to listen to the News.”
Kishmish described the News as: “In the News, they say ‘ Koan mur ghaia, kenhan mur ghaia, kis ki
chapel kho ghaiee; kis ki chapel chori ho ghaie (who died- where died,
whose chapel was lost whose chapel was stolen)
A few days before she said: “Teacher ‘nay mara’ (Teacher beat me)”
I said: “Tue roiee
(Did you weep?)
She said: “Pointing to her throat ‘Mai nahee roiee- maira dil roiya’( I did not weep, my heart wept)”.
Yesterday, additional dress for change at the Crèche was not
in her bag. She cautioned me and said: “Nanu ghaiay kam say. Mai mummy kay pas
complaint keruenghee”. Luckily it was an omission caused by her mother and so I
am told that aap kam per ho”
The phrases she used appropriately for particular situations
correctly speak about her observation and perception.
What made me to leave my home & hearth?
I used to go to plains during winter vacations. 1990, I
intended to stay back in the valley as my daughters in 11th and 12th classes
needed coaching for their board examinations. For one week until 12th January,
both returned without attending coaching for curfew and hartal-civil curfew. I
phoned my friend Prof. B L Raina HOD
Mathematics at Science College Jammu and expressed him the inability to
continue with education especially when militants notified that girls should
not continue their education beyond 8th. Prof. Raina suggested that he would
manage special group for November session for them. I left for Jammu on 16th Jan. 1990 at
11 AM. En route I managed to operate upon the locker at PNB Mahraj Gunj.
Manager Bank Raj Kumar Sharma, my student handed me the jewelry box on top
priority and asked me if I had a locker at Jammu . I said that I never stayed at Jammu and so did not have any locker at Jammu . He suggested that in that case let the
box be left back at the Mahraj Ganj Locker. I agreed and put the box back at
Mahraj Ganj that I retrieved in 1994 by courtesy of my friend Professor Masood
Sheikh (Retired Principal Govt.
Degree College ).
M Dass House in ruins |
28th February 1990, rumour of my assassination
was spread. Yasir Arfat Qadri my student in excitement rushed to convey the
breaking News to his classmate and friend Arvind Razdan that Sir ‘ha
khetovukh’(Sir has been eliminated) 2012, Sheikh Syed one of my students on his
return from Saudi Arabia
wanted to call on me. I visited him at his Zainakot residence on my return from
Gulmarg on 18th June, 2012. To my surprise, while gossiping, his
elder brother Sheikh Din Mohammad told me that Ramzana was directed to kill me.
Ramzan regretted when he came to know that target had already left for Jammu . I told him that I
did not know any Ramzan. Please call him; I would like to ask him what enmity
he had with me. I was grieved to know that in one of the encounters Ramzan was
shot dead at Habbakadl. Later on I was told by my nephew that he used to play
cricket with him and he was a fast bowler and used to ball with his left hand
and so was known in his friend circle as Ramzan Khoesh (Left hander).
God had to save my life and so escaped his bullet. Munea
Sadh (Sadhu) known to his Muslim friends as Munea Butea was approached by Nazir
Puej, one Wazea and one more from Chotta Bazar at 9:30 in the night. They asked
him to pack there and then, failing which one of them (From three different
organizations) would shoot him before sunrise. He told them that he had no
money to hire a taxi. The three friends pooled Rs.900 and arranged a taxi for
him; bade goodbye to him in tears.
My elder brother was persuaded by his Muslim friends and
neighbours to leave for sometime. None of us gained any thing out of this
turmoil. It ended in loot khasoot and mayhem only. Altaf Bungri, Munea Bakhshi
and many who initiated militancy, work for Indian Army now. Some live in exile
in Indian Cities and some in Rawalpindi .
None is a gainer. Each harmless Kashmiri Pundit was replaced by gun toting men
in lacs- some in civil and some in uniform to cause mayhem in the peaceful
valley where even a hardened criminal would not commit a murder.
Nanea Butea and his
brother sons of Vasdev, both delinquents, and neighbours of Prince Salim were
stoned to death to please Allah by the so called Jahadis. Hamid Tailor from
Chotta Bazar, neighbour of Kh Javed Ahmad Mir Sahab (Chairman JKLF) seized the
opportunity to mint money. He used to borrow two hundred rupees for me for
thread and used to liquidate the debt in easy installments of Rs.10 each
purchased a KP house in Karan Nagar in early nineties. He came with advance for
one more KP house at Chanpora. I questioned his source of treasure. He
confessed to Krishna Tailors that when a youth in jeans and action shoes was
apprehended by BSF, his parents approached him, the officer being his customer,
for his release. The officer demanded Rs 10,000 for the release irrespective of
his being innocent or a dreaded militant. Hamid asked for Rs.35000 and managed
his release at 5000 and pocketed 30,000. Altaf Chath a jeweler thanked Allah for roaring business
in 1990. He said that in peacetime tourist visited the valley in thousands and
that too for 3-4 months of summer. Now they have more that 6 lac armed people
for the entire period, so a permanent source of income.
M Dass House in ruins |
While I escaped Ramzan’s bullet, I gained enough as God
saved my life and honour. Material losses are no losses. Had KPs not been
hounded out, even KPs would join them under compulsion to save their life and
honour. 1964, all Kashmiri Pundits joined the mammoth Moie-mukadas processions,
little knowing what it was.
Neighbours visited on 31st Aug.2014 |
Ramp for service to personal vehicles within M Dass campus. |
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Neighbour at Zainako |
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Lies have no legs to stand upon
“Malik Gowher MR.Brij
Dass sahib...once in one of your write ups you had written that some people of
Shalteng have stolen an iron gate from your residence and installed it at a
local grave yard. Yesterday I inquired about it in your neighbourhood during a
condolence gathering. People of that area informed me that there was no
boundary wall around your house no iron gate either. However your house had
barbed wire on the back and wooden fencing(Pache Baren ) on the front and an
ordinary wooden gate. Ye boozeth paw mate akh koshur Mahware yaad...."Athe
wanan pozes dun apze seeth pozaar".... lying though teeth to demonize KMs
is proving counterproductive. Even the firebrand anti Muslim, Modi after
receiving throne of India
has shown very cold shoulder on your demands of Panun Kashmir. News is that now
he has cancelled his proposed Kashmir visit as
he feared it to become a historical flop show”.
Unquote: Gowhar Malik Sahab, your conscience, courage and
physical personality are inversely proportional to the courage to speak the
truth. Your statement is partly true and partly untrue based on cooked lies.
The wooden plank fenced enclosure with wooden gate was to
the area apportioned for lawn and the residential house from the main M Dass
Holdfast grafted in the RCC pillars at the main entrance
still exist there to reveal their woeful tale.
The residential house set on fire twice did not affect its ground and
first floor. Window panes, doors and windows were intact with no damage.
Looters looted thereafter the window and door frames along
with electric and bathroom fittings. Tin roof of three burnt buildings
evaporated in the broad day light.
I reiterate, those who did it were not Muslims though they
raised slogan ‘Narie taqbeer-Allah O Akbar while looting the evacuated houses.
Those who watched it quietly too are not Muslims. Those who
close their eyes to cruelty can in no case be Muslims. Those who loot their
neighbour too are not Muslims. These are the sacred words of the Great Prophet
Mohammad in His Sayings-Hadith.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Gulea Cooperative
Gulea Cooperative is a big name among the transporters in the valley. Gulea Cooperative has never been to school. He started his career as a ‘hamal’ (porter) at KPCS (Kashmir Peoples’ Cooperative Store, Magarmal Bagh. Truckloads of goods used to pour into the store directly from manufacturers and wholesale dealers. Likewise truckloads of supplies used to pour out for different Marketing societies. Gulea Cooperative was one of the porters to load and unload the trucks.
One day an idea struck to Gulea Cooperative. He suggested to his other coolie colleagues for registration of a Transport Cooperative Society. Each member pooled for the purchase of a truck. Each one contributed 10%. Soon Gulea became one of the masters of a fleet of trucks attached to KPCS.
Gulea Cooperative got familiar with the documentation, registration and other aliened jobs pertaining to the RTO’s office. His behaviour earned him friends from peon to the RTO in the office of the RTO. Gulea Cooperative spread his tentacles beyond KPCS and Goods load carrier trucks. He entered into public transport business. Those days supply of chassis was short of demand. Thus each state had a quota for supply of Bus chassis. After booking, one had to be in a queue and wait for more than a year for his turn.
By now Gulea had developed relations with different RTOs of different States besides different Banks to finance the chassis. Communication with other States was not as fast as it is today, but Gulea Cooperative was an exception. He had almost managed an unofficial hotline connection by obliging Telephone operators. He used to supplement the Kashmir quota from the quota of other States. He would manage to get an NOC ( No objection certificate) from RTO Punjab or any other State for its delivery in Srinagar. Strangely he would get an imprint of the chassis and engine number of the chassis for its finance when the chassis was still at the Punjab Showroom.
The Bank Manager used to honour his demand for finance written with pencil even on the flap of a cigarette pack. Body of the chassis was built at Jeewan Singh Body Builders at Jallundher, Punjab.
1975, Gulea Cooperative approached me and offered sale of a second hand bus for school. I pleaded that I did not have ready cash of Rs.26,000 for the deal. He took my signatures on judicial papers and relevant forms, transferred the bus No: 8745 JKA in the name of M Dass Public School and told me to pay at my convenience in easy installments. I salute his magnanimity, his humbleness that is directly proportional to his wealth.
One day, I visited him at his residence at Jawahar Nagar or Chanpora, I don’t remember. His drawing room was overcrowded with guests. Three persons in neat and clean white dress with samawars and basketful of ‘lavasas’ served the guests with numkeen tea (nunea chaie) and lavasea. All were heard and all were served to the best of their satisfaction.
Later on Gulea Cooperative diversified his business. He has a shopping complex at Kamarwari and probably petrol pump too.
Height of it is that he is neither MBA, nor CA. He is neither from IIT nor from IIM and still proved a success. His highest degree is his human behaviour, his commitment, his honesty and sincerity.
I salute him for his virtues.
One day an idea struck to Gulea Cooperative. He suggested to his other coolie colleagues for registration of a Transport Cooperative Society. Each member pooled for the purchase of a truck. Each one contributed 10%. Soon Gulea became one of the masters of a fleet of trucks attached to KPCS.
Gulea Cooperative got familiar with the documentation, registration and other aliened jobs pertaining to the RTO’s office. His behaviour earned him friends from peon to the RTO in the office of the RTO. Gulea Cooperative spread his tentacles beyond KPCS and Goods load carrier trucks. He entered into public transport business. Those days supply of chassis was short of demand. Thus each state had a quota for supply of Bus chassis. After booking, one had to be in a queue and wait for more than a year for his turn.
By now Gulea had developed relations with different RTOs of different States besides different Banks to finance the chassis. Communication with other States was not as fast as it is today, but Gulea Cooperative was an exception. He had almost managed an unofficial hotline connection by obliging Telephone operators. He used to supplement the Kashmir quota from the quota of other States. He would manage to get an NOC ( No objection certificate) from RTO Punjab or any other State for its delivery in Srinagar. Strangely he would get an imprint of the chassis and engine number of the chassis for its finance when the chassis was still at the Punjab Showroom.
The Bank Manager used to honour his demand for finance written with pencil even on the flap of a cigarette pack. Body of the chassis was built at Jeewan Singh Body Builders at Jallundher, Punjab.
1975, Gulea Cooperative approached me and offered sale of a second hand bus for school. I pleaded that I did not have ready cash of Rs.26,000 for the deal. He took my signatures on judicial papers and relevant forms, transferred the bus No: 8745 JKA in the name of M Dass Public School and told me to pay at my convenience in easy installments. I salute his magnanimity, his humbleness that is directly proportional to his wealth.
One day, I visited him at his residence at Jawahar Nagar or Chanpora, I don’t remember. His drawing room was overcrowded with guests. Three persons in neat and clean white dress with samawars and basketful of ‘lavasas’ served the guests with numkeen tea (nunea chaie) and lavasea. All were heard and all were served to the best of their satisfaction.
Later on Gulea Cooperative diversified his business. He has a shopping complex at Kamarwari and probably petrol pump too.
Height of it is that he is neither MBA, nor CA. He is neither from IIT nor from IIM and still proved a success. His highest degree is his human behaviour, his commitment, his honesty and sincerity.
I salute him for his virtues.
(I am sorry to name him with his familiar name. I don't know whether he is Ghulam Mohammad or Ghulam Ahmmad as I would otherwise name him)
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Migration is a sacred act.
Gowher: Mahaj Wattal, Dont get
charged with communal frenzy. Floods in Kashmir
are over. But Garmi of Jammu is a continuous cycle. It will never leave you.
Trust me. Enjoy Migrant fund and Shiv Sena paw bhaajis.
Unquote: Malik Gowher Sahab, your
comment is not in good taste. It is tantamount to blasphemy. Our great prophets
and Autar
migrated and left behind ‘sonet’
for we the ordinary souls to follow Their life style. While I migrated at the
behest of my Muslim brethren, I only followed ‘Sonet’.
You rightly said in the next
comment that we Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiri Pundits are brothers. I 100 %
agree with you. Our
blood group is same. We are
descends of the same progeny.
Lord Rama was sent into exile by
His own mother Kekie. He went into exile to leave behind a lesson for we the
ordinary souls
that Mother’s orders are final and
must be implemented at any cost.
Pandavs were sent into exile by
their own cousin Dharyodhan. It is a lesson against gambling.
Prophet Mohammad was chased from Mecca to Medina
by His own people from Quresh dynasty. He once unbuttoned his shirt to receive
hot and breeze from His hometown Mecca .
He suffered the horrible blistering
heat of the desert in exile when there were no coolers, Air-conditioning
gadgets, fridge etc.
Your calendar is based on the day
of His Hijrat. He went into exile to leave behind a lesson for us the ordinary
souls that when there is danger to one’s life from one’s own people, one must
My migration is a sacred act of
following ‘Sonet’. I migrated because my own brethren hounded me out.
Dear Malik Gowhar Sahab, kindly
don’t rejoice our suffering due to heat waves. Allah has provided us with
gadgets like AC,
fridge, fans, coolers,
air-conditioned cars, air-conditioned buildings and air-conditioned school
buildings, air-conditioned hospitals that were not existent when Islamic
calendar started. I get pained to imagine what my beloved Prophet may have
suffered in absence of these gadgets.
One thing is common in all the
above mentioned migrations. All were hounded out by Their own people and I am
not an exception.
The biggest achievement of our migration is that masks vanished and
real faces appeared on the scene. One could easily differentiate between the
real and the fake friend. Only a few turned out to be friends when tested on
the touchstone of the proverb ' a
friend in need is a friend indeed'. A man of great integrity was shocked when
one of his beneficiaries accused him of being a cheat. He was hit more by the
man who accused him than the tormentors who were after his blood.
Blood relations-brothers & sisters with financial and
material edge over the other preferred to distance themselves from lesser
privileged ones.
Mokdumus hi fokdum asi hay gamus tuli hay shamus tam
Quote: “ · Malik Gowher I hereby once again reiterate:
· Malik Gowher Pandits are welcome to Kashmir minus their canards and grudges.
Unquote: “Mundhchuhuen launch-tim khewan nuchie nuchie”
Malik Gowher Sabh, you seem to be living in a fool’s paradise. We Kashmiri Pundits do not need your invitation. Nor are we motivated by any package. Kashmir is our hometown and for return to one's home, one does not need anybody's invitation or any package. We left Kashmir because you turned it hostile for peaceful living. Kashmir is still not worth living for respectable gentry. I notice my Kashmiri Muslim brethren talking in whispers. Most of them have forgotten a hearty laughter. It is said that you hounded out Kashmiris especially Pundits only to sabotage the mischievous secret plan of the few. Some suspect you as an Indian agent and some as Pakistan agent. Most of your like turned informers and work with Army. Most of you stand in long queues at CID Headquarter. America based Dr. Shabir Chowdhry condemns you as a saboteur to convert his movement into loot-khasoot Movement.
You with mental block are always made to believe. You once spread the canard
that leaves of trees had inscription inscribed "La illa illela Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah'. Sheikh Abdullah mesmerized you to the extent that you voted for his candidate whom he described as electric post and a donkey. Despite being witness to the truth, you harp Jag Mohan canard to please your masters.You
hounded out Qabalis in 1947 with the slogan Hamla Awer Khaberdar…..; You
invited invaders as guest artists in 1990 to cause turmoil in the valley. You
warned Kashmiri Pundits through the columns of the News paper Alsafa to quit
within 24 hours or to face dire consequences.You danced to the slogan Hindu Muslim Sikh Ithad and in 1990, you danced to the tune Batav Bagaer Batnev saan. 1953 you raised the slogan ‘Raie Shumari foruen kerav’ 1975 you danced to the tune ‘alea karengha vanguen karengh…..Raie Shumari buruekh dobus olav bubus Mubarak; 1965 you fooled Martial Ayub and Z A Butoo and sold infiltrators very cheap. Your behaviour and character is unpredictable. Neither Pakistan nor India trusts you. You are one of those who in London enjoy political asylum and little know whether Kishtwar and Poonch are
countries or district head quarters and Narparistan is a mohalla or a country.
5th April 1979, you along with a crowd in lacs at Chota Bazar Crossing while demonstrating against the murder of Z A Butoo was chased to your holes by Hassae Pachiea and one Burqa clad woman speaks volumes on your courage and valour. Nazir Ahmad Malik retired S P, the then ASI CID is witness to the scene. Gul Khatana from Salar condemns your like when four of the five militants raped Najma (Name changed) despite she served them food and
pleaded that due to miscarriage in the recent past was not well. Rashid (name
changed) from Muzaffarabad, one of the infiltrators of 1965 sobbed when he
revealed his woeful tale to me in 1967 regarding his sale by his own brothers
from Tangdhar at a very cheap price. When G M Shah took over as CM, Ram Vilas Paswan as one of the enclave members delivered speech at DC office in presence of Farooq Abdullah. He said that MLAs are no doubt a salable commodity, but your MLAs were purchased at a very low price. You seem to be in oversize shoes. The earlier you know your size, the better it is.
For you, I quote: “Mundhchuhuen launch-tim
khewan nuchie nuchie”
Mokdumus hi fokdum asi hay gamus tuli hay shamus tam
(Mokdum is the headman of a village. Fokdum was an indigenous apparatus made of sheepskin to blow live charcoal by blacksmiths. In my childhood in fifties whenever I would boast my activity, my maternal grandmother Dedh would taunt: " Mokdumus hi fokdum asi hay gamus tuli hay shamus tam "
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Suraj dulta hai-A meaningful song
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Gagged Suppressed & Suffocated-2
I have already posted one write-up on the heading of the
instant write up. I differ with the opinion of the majority of my community
brethren who believe that the entire population from the majority community is
in favour of terrorism, terrorists and separatists.
Tassaduk Khan-1 (name changed) is deadly against terrorism
and terrorists. Tassaduk is a voracious reader with a treasure of knowledge
with little academic qualification from any school. He studies Urdu and Kashmiri literature.
Tassaduk looks for the earliest opportunity to serve his
country by getting rid of the terrorists known to him and the menace of
He is of the opinion that the terrorists armed for 24x7
hours misuse their arms to loot women of their choice and plunder money. He
said: “A police officer or an Army officer is armed and in uniform only when on
duty. After duty hours, they deposit Arms and ammunition at the quarter guard.
Likewise a labourer who is to work with a spade and a rope deposits the same
back at the store after the work is closed.”
Listen to the series of interviews with Tassaduk.
“Those were the days of Helen”
Mid sixty were the days of
modest plenty. Those were the days when Indian Railways was not on the map of Jammu & Kashmir State . Those were the days when the
nearest railway station for J&K State was at Pathankot in Punjab .
Those were the days when there was no internet. Those were the days when there
was no television. Those were the days when the Telegraph, Telephone and the
Post Office were one department. Those were the days when the fastest mode of
communication was telegram through Posts & Telegraph department. Those were
the days when each word of telegram cost Rs.0.25. Those were the days when text
of the telegram used to be too brief to bother for grammar and complete
sentence. Those were the days when specific numeral numbers were coded for
specific greeting or condolence messages. Those were the days when address of
the addressee on telegram was too vague to be located. Those were the days when
only the Ambassador & the Fiat were the only makes of cars in India . Those were the days we never knew that
nylon chapel was for bathroom only and not for college and official use. Those
were the days when earthen inner pot of kangri worked as attached bathroom.
Those were the days of 'seduer kuenz, anchar, turuen butea te hogadea hakh' Those
were the days when Kupwara and Bandipore districts were part of Baramulla
Those were the days when
ration ghats were at the river ghats. Those were the days when india coffee house
was cynosure of young old excitement and discussions, lub koul and marina
pleasure for evening cronies for gossip and fun life moves on sweet nostalgia..
Those were the days of Helen. Those were the days when any film with Helen on its
cast was a box hit film.
Those were the days when in mid sixties, the messenger from
the telegraph department Baramulla was too excited with the word Helen to be
The telegram read: “Reaching on third arrange boarding
lodging Helen”. The telegram was addressed to 969 Army Engineers Baramulla.
The messenger in excitement disclosed the contents of the
telegram to every Tom Dick and Harry.
People with great fervour waited for third anxiously. Two
days wait seemed to them a wait for two years.
On third,
Baramulla Bus Stand wore a festive look. Since morning people trickled in their
festive dresses meant for festivals to have a glimpse of Helen from a safer
position. Local police took note of the situation and positioned jawans in
adequate number to ensure that there was no stampede.
Mid day Panna Lal arrived in a local bus. Alighted from the
bus, Panna Lal said to the Army staff car driver on wait: “Who is coming? For whom
staff car is on wait? Why is local police here to control the restive crowd?”
The staff car diver said: “Helen is coming. In this context
969 Army Engineers received a telegram from Simla.”
Panna Lal opened the door of the staff car, sat in the rare
seat and signaled the driver to move.
Before the driver would reprimand him, he said: “I am
Panna Lal Helen from Head Draftsman on transfer from Simla to BaramullaSaturday, 25 October 2014
Infected & Infested Railway Coaches
Infected & Infested
September 30, 2014, I was booked for Abu Road Station to
spend one week at the hill station Mount
Abu , Rajasthan. Departure
time for the train was 0744 hrs. Rafiq and Ajay dropped me at the Railway
Station Jammu that is 8 minute drive from my place at Kunjwani. Rafiq was on
the wheel.
The Railway coolie carried my luggage and placed it under my
seat No: 9 in B1 coach. The train responded to the green signal and took leave
of platform No: 2 at the scheduled departure time.
All the passengers took to their respective positions. The
insects, mostly cockroaches from different stations and different states,
travelled along with us without any ticket. These cockroaches followed the
principle of unity in diversity. Despite being without ticket, they did not
play hide and seek with the ticket checker. Both seemed to be in close harmony.
They even took liberty to brazenly inspect the ticket checker from toe to top.
They seemed to be special guests of the Railway Ministry.
Foul smell was an additional nuisance. I pitied the
passenger that trusted hygiene of the cafeteria that served food to them.
The horrible scenario compelled me to approach one of the
railway employees for some remedial
measures. He raised his hands to express his helplessness. He said that cleanliness is being done by
contractual contractors. The previous contract after its expiry has not been
renewed so far. Let the complaint be made on the complaint book. He directed me
to the Ticket Checker and asked him to get my complaint noted in the complaint
I pointed to the menace of insects to the TC.
The TC said: “I am abreast of the situation. The area of
operation of these cockroaches is my
entire body. They run about my body and care little for my uniform.”
I said: “There is no soap to wash hands in the washroom or
at the wash basin”.
I pitied him, when he offered to share his personal soap
with me.
Soon he came to me with the complaint book. He
simultaneously requested me to pardon him as the complaint would be his
Click the link and watch my conversation with the Ticket
Friday, 24 October 2014
Dr. C L Bhat
Dr. C L Bhat
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Dr. C L Bhat |
Full name of the late Dr. C L Bhat is Dr. Chaman Lal Bhat.
He was born in the family of the late Pundit Jia Lal Tikoo from Ganpatyar in
the year 1949. His upbringing in early years of his age among family members
full of virtues chiseled him a man of virtues with a perfect human heart with
love for all and malice for none. He believed in high thinking and simple living dedicated to his job. Dr.
Chaman Lal Bhat among other family members was devotee of Bagwan Gopi Nath.
Besides, he was influenced by the teaching of Swami Viveka Nanda and regularly
contributed until his end to the journal published by the Divine Park .
At the age of
twenty-one in the year 1970 Dr. Bhat Gold Medalist completed his
post-graduation in Physics from Kashmir University with first position and
bagged the Gold Medal for his performance. Dr. Bhat completed Phd. in Physics
under Dr. N N Raina HOD Physics Kashmir University in the year 1982. Soon
thereafter, he did post doctoral work under Nobel Laureate Professor A Wolfendale
in England .
His research work was mostly published
in Nature, world’s topmost science journal.
Like others, when Chanpora came up as a new residential
colony, Dr. Bhat also with hard earned money constructed a house to live in at
Lal Nagar, Chanpora. Not only the hard earned money but he invested his blood
and sweat to see his dream come true. Once, I spotted him carrying a bag of
cement on the frame of his bicycle to meet the demand of the mason with little
cement and half an hour left to call it a day.
Though entitled to Departmental vehicle as NRL(BARC) Kashmir
Head , he footed to and fro walk from Chanpora to Lal Chowk with a heavy
briefcase carrying his books weighing more than five kg. load. From Lal Chowk
to Zakura, he used to board public transport. It was combination of austerity
and walk to keep him physically and mentally fit.
January 1990 was not an exception for Dr. Bhat. Sloganeering
echoed from all the amplifiers atop the mosques around. Of all the slogans the
most obnoxious slogan was: “ Asie guchie
asuen Pakistan , Butav
bughaer Butnev saan’ (We must get Pakistan without Kashmiri Pundits,
but with the women folk of Kashmiri Pundits )”. Dr. Bhat could not resist. He
along with his two primary class student daughters and wife had a last look at
his newly constructed house and went into exile to meet his brethren as a
refugee in his own state.
I had already occupied two 10x10 rooms meant for coaching of
students, on the first floor of the house of Prof. B L Raina at 25-Bagwati
Nagar, Jammu on
16th January, 1990. Third week of January 1990, 25- Bagwati Nagar
Jammu with only three room received three more families consisting of Dr. C L
Bhat (4); Er. Rattan Lal Raina (4) and Dr. Ravinder Raina (4) intermittently. The
house turned into a private Refugee Camp. The buzz at the Refugee Camp 25
Bhagwati Nagar made us insensitive of the situation.
Soon other scientists along with their families trickled
down to Jammu . The
Camp at times turned into the Camp office for BARC Srinagar and the drawing
room turned into meeting hall of the camp office of BARC.
Normalcy distanced itself by each passing day and the BARC
hired a building on rent at Shastri Nagar, Jammu . Gulmarg laboratory being inaccessible
the end product of the work was zero. Hope for return was illusive. Dr. Bhat,
dedicated to work was the last man to earn salary without work. His other
colleagues cooperated and he shifted his work place to Mumbai with laboratory
at Mount Abu , Rajasthan. Initially Guest House of
Rajasthan Tourist Corporation was taken on rent and subsequently it was
purchased by BARC. Residential quarters for the staff at Mount Abu
were constructed on priority. The backward village Oriya hummed with activity.
Dr. Bhat made alterations to the architect to save age old trees. Besides, his
dedication to his scientific work, he had development of the village also in
his mind. He planned to share the bore well water with the water scanty
villagers to uplift their living. On the fateful day he had taken samples from
different bore wells for testing at Mumbai.
Dr.Bhat used to travel during nights to save day for work.
His austerity cost the life of a reputed and dedicated scientist. He boarded
the Government bus at Mount
Abu for Abu Road . The drunk
driver lost his control and gave a fatal blow to the Nation on 21st
December, 2001. In his death the Nation lost one of its most dedicated
scientists of repute. His family and close his relations shattered beyond
I conclude that tragedy could be avoided if Dr. Bhat would
have not been too austerity minded to avoid the use of the staff car meant for
a scientist of his stature. I am reminded of the accidental death of Dr.
Parimoo, Professor at BITS Pillani. He too had boarded a bus that was driven by
a drunk driver.
Please click the link to listen to the man Dr. Bhat met
Staff quarters |
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