I used to go to plains during winter vacations. 1990, I
intended to stay back in the valley as my daughters in 11th and 12th classes
needed coaching for their board examinations. For one week until 12th January,
both returned without attending coaching for curfew and hartal-civil curfew. I
phoned my friend Prof. B L Raina HOD
Mathematics at Science College Jammu and expressed him the inability to
continue with education especially when militants notified that girls should
not continue their education beyond 8th. Prof. Raina suggested that he would
manage special group for November session for them. I left for Jammu on 16th Jan. 1990 at
11 AM. En route I managed to operate upon the locker at PNB Mahraj Gunj.
Manager Bank Raj Kumar Sharma, my student handed me the jewelry box on top
priority and asked me if I had a locker at Jammu . I said that I never stayed at Jammu and so did not have any locker at Jammu . He suggested that in that case let the
box be left back at the Mahraj Ganj Locker. I agreed and put the box back at
Mahraj Ganj that I retrieved in 1994 by courtesy of my friend Professor Masood
Sheikh (Retired Principal Govt.
Degree College ).
M Dass House in ruins |
28th February 1990, rumour of my assassination
was spread. Yasir Arfat Qadri my student in excitement rushed to convey the
breaking News to his classmate and friend Arvind Razdan that Sir ‘ha
khetovukh’(Sir has been eliminated) 2012, Sheikh Syed one of my students on his
return from Saudi Arabia
wanted to call on me. I visited him at his Zainakot residence on my return from
Gulmarg on 18th June, 2012. To my surprise, while gossiping, his
elder brother Sheikh Din Mohammad told me that Ramzana was directed to kill me.
Ramzan regretted when he came to know that target had already left for Jammu . I told him that I
did not know any Ramzan. Please call him; I would like to ask him what enmity
he had with me. I was grieved to know that in one of the encounters Ramzan was
shot dead at Habbakadl. Later on I was told by my nephew that he used to play
cricket with him and he was a fast bowler and used to ball with his left hand
and so was known in his friend circle as Ramzan Khoesh (Left hander).
God had to save my life and so escaped his bullet. Munea
Sadh (Sadhu) known to his Muslim friends as Munea Butea was approached by Nazir
Puej, one Wazea and one more from Chotta Bazar at 9:30 in the night. They asked
him to pack there and then, failing which one of them (From three different
organizations) would shoot him before sunrise. He told them that he had no
money to hire a taxi. The three friends pooled Rs.900 and arranged a taxi for
him; bade goodbye to him in tears.
My elder brother was persuaded by his Muslim friends and
neighbours to leave for sometime. None of us gained any thing out of this
turmoil. It ended in loot khasoot and mayhem only. Altaf Bungri, Munea Bakhshi
and many who initiated militancy, work for Indian Army now. Some live in exile
in Indian Cities and some in Rawalpindi .
None is a gainer. Each harmless Kashmiri Pundit was replaced by gun toting men
in lacs- some in civil and some in uniform to cause mayhem in the peaceful
valley where even a hardened criminal would not commit a murder.
Nanea Butea and his
brother sons of Vasdev, both delinquents, and neighbours of Prince Salim were
stoned to death to please Allah by the so called Jahadis. Hamid Tailor from
Chotta Bazar, neighbour of Kh Javed Ahmad Mir Sahab (Chairman JKLF) seized the
opportunity to mint money. He used to borrow two hundred rupees for me for
thread and used to liquidate the debt in easy installments of Rs.10 each
purchased a KP house in Karan Nagar in early nineties. He came with advance for
one more KP house at Chanpora. I questioned his source of treasure. He
confessed to Krishna Tailors that when a youth in jeans and action shoes was
apprehended by BSF, his parents approached him, the officer being his customer,
for his release. The officer demanded Rs 10,000 for the release irrespective of
his being innocent or a dreaded militant. Hamid asked for Rs.35000 and managed
his release at 5000 and pocketed 30,000. Altaf Chath a jeweler thanked Allah for roaring business
in 1990. He said that in peacetime tourist visited the valley in thousands and
that too for 3-4 months of summer. Now they have more that 6 lac armed people
for the entire period, so a permanent source of income.
M Dass House in ruins |
While I escaped Ramzan’s bullet, I gained enough as God
saved my life and honour. Material losses are no losses. Had KPs not been
hounded out, even KPs would join them under compulsion to save their life and
honour. 1964, all Kashmiri Pundits joined the mammoth Moie-mukadas processions,
little knowing what it was.
Neighbours visited on 31st Aug.2014 |
Ramp for service to personal vehicles within M Dass campus. |
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Neighbour at Zainako |
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