Wednesday 16 March 2016


GHAR-ACHUN Te BAREA-NERUN (Entry that leads to exit for the parents of the bride)
Nazir the butcher has two shops, one at Chota Bazar and the other at Jawahir Nagar, in Srinagar. Without any hesitation, he lent meat worth rupees thirty thousand to Sham Lal and refused the same facility to Kashi Nath.
I said: “Nazir why did you extend the facility to one and refused the same to the other”?
Nazir said: “It is business for both me and Sham Lal. Sham Lal has invited the parents and relations of the bride on the function of Ghar-achun. Both of us know that the guests will pay five times more than the expenditure on the feast. Immediately after the guests will quit, Shamlal will liquidate the loan and spare much for his rainy days. He is apprehensive. Statistics tells him that sons desert their parents after the first anniversary of their marriage. He believes in the proverb make hay while the sun shines and so fleeces Kashi Nath to the best of his capacity.
On the contrary Kashi Nath too has the same function of Ghar-achun. But it is with a difference. The guests and hosts have exchanged their positions. But the liabilities here are inversely proportional. Here kashi Nath, the host, after the feast is over, has to pay Shamlal and Co., the guest, heavily. Kashi Nath is already mortgaged. So it is wise not to take calculated risk”. Nazir’s argument was sound and I believe this was the reason why title of most of the houses had changed from some kashi Nath to Nazir Ahmad, or Sone Dhar to Shankar Mattoo.
Mid fifties. Sone Dhar (Changed name) was enjoying a peaceful life in his beautiful dwelling on the bank of the River Jehlum at Zaindar Mohalla. He married two of his daughters within the limits of his budget for the project. To his bad luck phir-saal to his sons-in-law was not within the budgeted schedule. One of his foes in friend’s clothing persuaded Sone Dhar to do away with the function and offered a solution too. Little conceiving the mischief, a blank paper was signed by Sone Dhar for the sake of formality against a loan of rupees six thousand. The loan was managed from Roghe Kaw (Surname changed), the foe’s friend. The mischief plot worked as it was planned. The two sons-in-law along with their relations were enjoying the phirsaal feast. The host Sone Joo, his wife and his other near and dear relations were joyfully exited to see the function through. The foe in friend was conspicuously absent. None had apprehended the climax. Soon Rogh Kaw along with a few dons of the time entered into the premises to execute the blank paper that he had signed against a loan of rupees six thousand. No pleas worked. Finally on humanitarian grounds grace period of a few hours was allowed. Title of the house changed from that of Sone Dhar to Shankar Mote (First name changed), the son-in-law of Rogh Kaw. Within a week’s time, one dark night, Sone Dhar & Family vacated the house and left for some unknown place. He could not stand the shock and the next month his foe in friend did not even participate in his funeral procession. Peace is to his soul. Unfortunately I am eyewitness to many such situations where Barea nerun was the immediate consequence of the Ghare-achun.
The height of it is that Shakar is the nephew of Baghwan Saroop Swami Prakash Ram Ji. And the Swami would often visit the house. The Swami seemed to be immune and indifferent to the tragedy.
Brijdass chu venan lasiv te basiv.

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