Mujeawazea Extension
Mujeawazea Extension
August 1953, Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad the then Prime Minister of J&K state,
withdrew the draconian system of Mujwazea as the first relief to the majority.
Mujeawaza was replaced by khuskhareed through Cooperative department to do
away with the middlemen called guldar(Dealers in crop), who used to
exploit poverty of the peasant class.
Only land holders were permitted to
import rice from their land holdings in their respective villages to their
dwellings in the city against permit for such import.
Others had to face scarcity of rice and
had to manage on the government supply against ration card. The ration was too
little to suffice for the whole month. Borrowing of rice from one another was a
common practice.
Since raw rice was not allowed to the
city, the silk factory workers from the city used to carry empty ‘degchi’
and handover the same to their colleagues from across the Rambagh Bridge .
Next day, they would exchange the empty degchi with the degchi
filled with cooked rice. Cooked rice had no restrictions.
In chill cold and pitch dark at 3 AM,
with a live lantern, we used to deposit our ration card at the ghat. A pile of
cards would get piled up by morning. At times some don would tilt the whole lot
and shuffle the order. Somehow, our card was restored at its proper place.
Within the last few decades everything has changed
Demand:A graphic description of the past
times and got transported to those streets and roads.
Any reason why the ration distribution
was only in the dugalav doongas and the ration was to be transported on
shoulder by Kochul ,often carried via the danih machine for the paddy to be
converted to rice. This will be free service if you donated the husk and polish
( kum) used for animal feeding. The kuchul will charge 2 Anna's per khirvar, 40
seers (roughly 40 kg).
We in the family used to pay for paddy
dehusking ( munoin) as we needed the kum for our cows and sheep.
The ration shops used to have kashur
ration and panjaeb ration ( atta and imported rice). We heard of all the taboos
for panjaeb toomul and oot.
What a time.
May circulate for feed back and
corrections if any.
Mujeawazea Extension:
Those days most of the transportation
was through navigation. The soil for giving soil wash to stairs and walls or
for building construction used to come on to river ghats in ‘Bahatch’,
Bahatch is shown below at the ghat at mark "A".
Shali from
shali store at Shaheed Gunj was supplied in these Bahatch to different ghats in
the city. Doonga (B) was hired for trip to Tulmul and Mogul Gardens .
School excursion to Mogul gardens was also arranged in doongas. Generally these
doongas for excursion to Mogul
Gardens were boarded at
Babapora ‘lachie pieth’. "B"
The site is now converted
into road. Public transport from Habbakadal or Ganpatyar to Zainakadal up to
Chattabal was also in shikaras or tongas . Soil carrying Bahchie hunz,
Shali carrying Bahchie hunz, firewood "E"
carrying Bahchie
hunz, Shikara hunz, Doonga hunz ….were all different from one another. One
could not cross to the trade of the other.
From the ration ghat the paddy was
carried by ‘kochuel’ under Head Hamal. They were only from milkmen
families. In case of rice supply, the
customer had to pay for the carriage and
in case of paddy supply, its carriage
was paid by the owner of the rice mill.
The photograph above shows excursion in
a donga "B"
Vegetables, fish, flowers etc used to
come from Dal lake floating gardens to Srinagar
city through Chunthie Koal and Nalie Maer "C"
A long and wide platform of logs
interwoven was transported from Khanabal Anantnagh to different saw mills
through river. "D"
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