Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Mother! Oh Ma!

The Mother! Oh Ma!
 In the process of evolution, mammals came much later than the single celled organisms. Reptiles and amphibians followed the single celled organism in the lukewarm sea waters of shallow sea. Until appearance of the mammal on the stage of the 'Life' a big toll of life would get perished. A few would survive. Coming of Mammal on the stage of life has been a big leap in the process of evolution. Now only a few perished and maximum survived. The mother protects the new born against the sun and the shower.
 We see birds around feed their young ones at their own cost.
Breast feeding by mammals keep the young ones clung to the warm breast of their mother until in association they learn the art of living........ "Koker tuchan te puet hechan"
(The hen scratches, the chick learns)  
The Mother is a divine gift to all living objects including the human beings. In my
neighbourhood, people kept eggs of duck along with the eggs of the hen under the broody hen for hatching. Once the chicks and the ducklings were out of the shell, the young ones used to take to their natural traits. Chicks would follow the hen and the ducklings would jump into the river and flock with other adult ducks and ducklings. The hen used to cackle in despair and follow the duckling aside the river bank. Many times I have seen the hen chasing the eagle before the latter could pounce upon the chick around.
The cat or the bitch becomes more ferocious than the lioness to protect their
One can't repay even an epsilon of what the mother has borne with for her child.
Our ‘shaluka’ in this context from times immemorial is: “Ko potro za ye che ko mata ne bavti…” . This shows that delinquent sons have been from times immemorial that necessitated introduction of the shaluka to please the divine Mother.  The biggest honour that we give to our deities is that we append the word Mata with Them to make Them complete as Durga Mata, Veshnu Mata, Kali Mata…
It is disgusting to see many mothers in their nineties and above suffering humiliation at the hands of their sons. I requested personally a few
“Paias peto negaro” but to no avail.
For their social status, they assemble at the ghat to perform
the tenth day of the deceased.
Bríjû dàss te Girdass chhú vanàn låsív tû båsív.
Supplementary on Mother. Thanks to A K Misri.
First, thing first. Female elephants deserve kudos for enduring a 22 month pregnancy! Although the calves are initially born blind, they don’t have to worry.Everybody, including grandmothers, sisters, aunts and even cousins, help out in every aspect of rearing the young.
The alligator’s ‘pregnancy nest’ is a heap of rotting, but ‘heat producing’ vegetation. Result: she doesn’t have to sit on her eggs.Once the babies are born, the mothers actually carry them around in their jaw for protection, assisting them in water.             Mother's love
Care begins i
n the nest for mother hens, who turn their eggs as many as five times an hour.So devoted are the Moms that they refuse to leave their nests even during a fire.More later.Avtar K. MisriMumbai
 Did you know that dolphin mothers and their babies actually synchronize their breathing for the first few weeks after babies' birth?
Dolphin Moms may also look after their young for up to ten years!
Now isn't that pampering?

What the female Strawberry Poison Arrow Frogs do during motherhood truly boggles the mind.

Mummy carries her tadpoles, one by one on her back, from the rainforest floors up into trees as high as 100 feet!

As if this wasn't enough, she finds individual pools of water in leaves for each of her tadpoles, thus setting up mini-nurseries that are safe from larger predators.
A Koala's babies, or joeys, aren't born with ears, eyes or fur.
But that's not the real surprise!
They spend an astonishing six months inside their mother's pouch feeding on milk and building their missing parts.                                                                                     The Cat cares her kittens
More later
Avtar K. Misri
Giraffe mothers don't lose sight of their overall responsibility even when they're giving birth.

The baby is born with Mom standing up, constantly on the lookout for predators!
The orangutan is perhaps the ultimate Mom. She spends her entire life high up in the trees, where she builds a new nest every single night from branches and foliage: that could work out to cover 30,000 homes in her single life.

She also never puts her babies down, generally nursing offspring until they reach the age of six or seven - that's perhaps the longest duration of parenting in the animal world.

Fresh from looking for food, Northern Fur Seal Moms need to quickly find their young ones in a sea of hundreds, even, thousands of seals: both depend on their uncanny powers of vocal recognition to find one another.

Both call out and answer, responding selectively to one another until they are united.

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